A link to the zip file containing all of the papers.
A link to the zip file containing all of the provided presentations.

Sunday at 6pm Opening Social (sponsored by RiskSpectrum) in the Helumoa Playground area.

Time Room Monday - June 27 Tuesday - June 28 Wednesday - June 29 Thursday - June 30 Friday - July 1
8:00-09:00 Breakfast (outside of the Moloaki Room)
09:00-10:00 Plenary
Molokai Room
Matt Denman
The costs and benefits of Risk Management for advanced reactor designers
Kairos Power
Bruce Hallbert
Research and Development Activities to Sustain the Existing Fleet of Light Water Reactors
Idaho National Laboratory
Nancy Lindsey
On-orbit Servicing and Assurance Engineering
Curtis Smith
Looking Back/Forward for IAPSAM
PSAM 16 General Chair
10:00-10:30 AM Break Lanai Room
10:30-12:00 Honolulu M01 Component Reliability
AL319, TP76, SA164, FF206 
T01 Transport and Logistics Systems
TO106, AG183, FR133, SY189
W01 Physical Security I
SH288, BC226, AN305, RI210
Th01 Physical Security II
JL284, ES302, GD286, TO106
F01 Physical Security III
WG301, DO283, VA297, OL294
Kahuku M02 System Analysis
AG46, LA260, AN79, EM255
T02 Operational Experience and Data Analysis
ER221, HA48, MA19, SJ53
W02 OECD-NEA Benchmark on External Events Hazard Frequency and Magnitude Statistical Modeling
CU58, YA220, BE120
Th02 Machine Learning III
DI318, SC17, SA165
F02 Structures
BE100, BI52, DY330
O'ahu M03 Human Reliability Analysis I
JJ250, AA176, K7325, KS251
T03 Infrastructure II
UM119, JI5, KI18, MB290
W03 Human Reliability Analysis III (HUNTER)
RO173, TH196, YY168, JO69, JE124
Th03 Reliability Analysis and Risk Assessment Methods II
J.145, SM70, SS329
F03 COVID/Health
BR91, KS45, SB270
Waialua M04 Infrastructure I
SO331, BD285, S.332
T04 Hydrogen Production
RI309, KU224, RI313, RI311  
W04 Risk-Informed Applications II
LU292, DI118, YI80, MA213
Th04 Fire Probabilistic Risk Analysis with FRI3D
Steve Prescott and Ram Sampath
F04 Seismic
FL13, JH103, KO263, SO123
Wai'anae M05 Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group (PWROG) Applications
SU155, RO150, LA154, RO194 
T05 Machine Learning I
VI321, AH36, KO218, M.110
W05 Uncertainty, Sensitivity, and Bayesian Methods
JA104, KU312, ZH9, IL333
Th05 Modernization Through Risk-Management
SV101, EC304, MA29, ST181
F05 Transportation and Storage
TH11, CC273, FR133, SU247
                  Ice Cream Social @ noon
Molokai Room
12:00-13:30 Lunch (outside of the Moloaki Room)
13:30-15:00 Honolulu M11 Fukushima
MA57, SU171, AL271, HI121
T11 National Academies' Panel on Evaluation of the Transport Airplane Risk Assessment Methodology
ZA334, GT336, EA339, LE338
AG47, AR41, AS75, AN296
Th11 Reliability Testing
TO10, AL3, DA21, AC15
Kahuku M12 Maintenance Modeling and Optimization
VI320, SY189, TA24 
T12 Light Water Reactor Sustainability
SV67, YO34, BR12, RI307
W12 Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX)
SH141, RO316
Th12 Safety Assessment Software and Tools II
KR267, OH275, WO177
O'ahu M13 Human Reliability Analysis II
MI240, NO51, PA192, YO82
T13 External Events I
FL328, JS148, MB157, SI142
W13 Human Reliability Analysis IV
AG183, GA178, JO68
Th13 Cyber Security II
ZH169, VA166
Waialua M14 Dynamic Modeling
HA235, JU184, PA127
T14 Dependent Failure Modeling
PA128, PA131, MA105, MA26
W14 Level 2/3 PRA
SE279, JL66, NA197 
Th14 Machine Learning IV
VI170, PL113, AH327
Wai'anae M15 Fire Modeling and Simulation I
ST94, DE55, A-50
T15 Machine Learning II / Digital Transformation
NI33, DI140, SI295, CY266
W15 Advanced Reactors
JG277, CL108, CL109, OL137
Th15 Human Reliability Analysis V
ME315, NI96, RO162
15:00-15:30 PM Break Lanai Room
15:30-17:00 Honolulu M21 Digital I&C
EC303, HA87, SM60
T21 Physics of Failure Applications
NA280, SC287
W21 NASA II / Aviation
DJ234, TE44, JL65
Th21 Reliability Testing II
PH20, LE81, YI337, CR227
Kahuku M22 Safety Assessment Software and Tools I
AN138, DK40, JA278, JS149
T22 Integration of Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods for Existing Plants and Advanced Reactors
CE253, SA151, MA193
W22 Nuclear Applications I
EL122, FR84
Th22 Safety Assessment Software and Tools III
PA39, WE77, YI78, TH317
O'ahu M23 Diamond Anniversary of THERP Panel Session T23 External Events II
MB158, AL239, NA252, MA222
W23 Fire/Wildfire Risk Assessment
MA211, MH163, MB291
Th23 Shipping and Oil & Gas
TH35, RI146, CS185 
Waialua M24 Risk Governance and Societal Safety I
WA49, GA187, YI289, JE282
T24 Risk Governance and Societal Safety II
JO179, RI64, TH14
W24 Cyber Security I
FA293, JA248, ME306, VA167
Th24 Model-Based System Engineering
FR54, AR216
Wai'anae M25 Risk-Informed Applications I
DB190, AN186, DG72, FF205
T25 Infrastructure III
AD111, JO134, JI6, TA160
W25 Dynamic Modeling II
SK274, ST93, SA202
Th25 Nuclear Fuel Analysis
JU83, YO298, EU70, FR99
Gala Luau Dinner 6pm at the Royal Hawaiian
Virtual SessionDayTime (Hawaii) Presenter(s)Paper ID(s)Title(s)Google Meet Link
1Wed June 29, 20220800-0900 Behrooz Ashrafi
Daniel Wendt
Resilience of a Transportation Network: Importance of Vulnerable Nodes
Techno-Economic Assessment of Nuclear-Sourced Hydrogen Production
2Wed June 29, 20221000-1100 Ha Bui
John Beal
Probabilistic Validation Methodology for Probabilistic Risk Assessment
A Systematic Enterprise Risk Management Framework for Modeling the Interactions of Safety and Financial Performance in Nuclear Power Plants
3Wed June 29, 20221100-1200 Courtney OtaniCO73
Probabilistic Methods for Cyclical and Coupled Systems with Changing Failure Rates
Electrical Substation Configuration Effect on Substation Reliability
4Wed June 29, 20221300-1400 Cesare FrepoliFR54
Development of an Enterprise Digital Platform for Risk-Informed Design https://meet.google.com/qfu-pwus-jio
5Wed June 29, 20221400-1500 Xiuzhu Gu
Mostafa Hamza
Exploring Factors Contributing to Railway Crossing Accidents
Methodology and Demonstration of Git-based Configuration Control in Probabilistic Risk Assessment
6Wed June 29, 20221500-1600 Tarannom Parhizkar
Yusuke Takao
An Integrated Wildfire Risk Model for Power Grids
Impact of Correlation between Performance Shaping Factors on Their Multipliers
7Wed June 29, 20221600-1700 Hao-Ti Hsu
Ching-Han Chen
The Fire Scenario Study for Multiple Spurious Operation via BWR
Risk Assessment for Loss of Component Cooling Water Scenarios Based on WOG2000 Model and Considering the Effectiveness of RCP Passive Shutdown Seal
8Thur June 30, 20221030-1130 Andrea ManciniSB270
A new simplified methodology for Quantitative Risk Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage Plant
SysML supported functional safety ISO 26262 and cybersecurity STRIDE/HEAVENS assessment for automotive model-based system engineering
9RecordingNeda Shafiei NS31Design of Reliability Test Specification for a New Product with Unknown Failure Modes