PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Vaibhav Yadav Co-author(s): Robby Christian, robby.christian@inl.gov Steven Prescott, steven.prescott@inl.gov Shawn St. Germain, shawn.stgermain@inl.gov
Risk-informed Physical Security Optimization for Nuclear Power Plants
The concept of risk-informed physical security of nuclear power plants has recently been extensively explored across stakeholders such as the nuclear industry, DOE, NEI, NRC, and researchers at national laboratories and universities. Risk-informed physical security holds promise for advanced assessment and optimization of NPP physical security postures leading to efficient, economical and safer plant operations. Recently the NRC issued a revision to the regulatory guide 5.76 that transitions from the prior prescriptive regulatory requirement for physical security to newer guidance that is based on reasonable assurance of protection time. The new NRC guidance paves way for physical security performance assessment to be tied with existing risk-based approaches for plant safety and associated metrics such as time to core-damage. This paper presents a novel computational framework for risk-informed physical security aimed at performing analysis such as security design optimization, armed-guard reduction, crediting plant mitigating strategies in security and more.

Paper VA297 Preview

Author and Presentation Info

Lead Author Name: Vaibhav Yadav (vaibhav.yadav@inl.gov)

Bio: Dr. Vaibhav Yadav is a senior scientist at Idaho National Laboratory where he performs and leads several research efforts in the areas of risk, reliability, safety, security and regulations of nuclear power plants. His research can be categorized into following domains namely, risk-based and risk-informed methodologies, digital twin technologies, cyber security and physical security. He has extensive experience in working with US commercial utilities to develop and implement risk-informed computational methodologies for optimizing physical security. He is currently serving as a member of the Physical and Cyber Security Subcommittee of the ANS/ASME Joint Committee on Nuclear Risk Management.

Country: United States of America
Company: Idaho National Laboratory
Job Title: Research Scientist

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