PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Zoltan Kovacs Co-author(s): Tibor Zold, tibor.zold@seas.sk
Seismic re-evaluation of the Unit 1&2 of the Mochovce NPP
The Slovak Nuclear Regulatory Authority (UJD SR) requires the licensee to keep the plant seismic capacity to a level generally accepted by the international community. The re-evaluation of the seismic capacity of an existing plant is generally due to the following reasons: • evidence of a seismic hazard at the site that is greater than the design basis earthquake, arising from new or additional data and • regulatory requirements stricter than those valid at the time of design and construction and take into account the state of knowledge and the actual condition of the plant. The original design basis earthquake of the plant with VVER440 type reactors was 0.06 g. The first project of seismic re-evaluation in 1997 increased the RLE (Review Level Earthquake) to 0.10 g. Significant number of plant upgrading measures were implemented. As a consequence of a new hazard evaluation carried out at the site, a new project was launched by the licensee, which further upgrades the seismic capacity of the plant to the RLE = 0.15 g (SL-2 value). The seismic re-evaluation is being performed on the basis of the IAEA guideline “Evaluation of Seismic Safety for Existing Nuclear Installation (NS-G-2.12)”. The paper summarizes the basic assumptions and methods being applied for the re-evaluation, which follows the generic methodology of the Seismic Margin Assessment (SMA) combined with a Seismic Probabilistic Safety Assessment (SPSA).

Paper KO263 Preview

Author and Presentation Info

Lead Author Name: Zoltan Kovacs (kovacs@relko.sk)

Bio: Mr. Zoltan Kovacs, PhD is Director of RELKO Ltd, Engineering and Consulting Company. He is actively involved in the area of safety assessment of NPPs with more than 40 years of experience. He is the project manager of the level 1 and level 2 living PSA and PSA application projects being performed for the Slovak NPPs in operation and under construction. He has been involved also in several projects initiated to evaluate and improve safety of NPPs in Eastern and Central Europe. He has also a close co-operation with IAEA in Vienna. He has lectured the PSA training courses, organised by IAEA. Such training courses were organized in Argonne National Laboratory (Chicago, IL, USA), Abdus Salaam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy), Malaysia, Vietnam and Jordan to support experts from developing countries. He is author of numerous publications as well. He represents Slovakia in the Working Group for Risk Assessment (WGRISK) in OECD, Paris.

Country: Slovakia
Company: RELKO Ltd, Engineering & Consulting Company
Job Title: Director, Senior Scientist

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