PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Floris Goerlandt Co-author(s): Lauryne Rodrigues, Lauryne.Rodrigues@dal.ca Luana Souza Almeida, Luana.Almeida@dal.ca Ronald Pelot, Ronald.Pelot@dal.ca
Assessing risk to marine transportation assets and multi-modal community supply in a Cascadia M9.0 megathrust earthquake and tsunami event
Natural disasters such as earthquakes can severely impact multi-modal logistics networks. On the Canadian West Coast, a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake could lead to severe damage to critical infrastructures on a large regional scale, both due to the direct impacts of ground shaking and those caused by a subsequent tsunami. In the immediate disaster response phase, affected communities would furthermore require emergency supplies such as fuel, food, and medicine. An improved understanding of the vulnerabilities and impacts of a Cascadia earthquake disaster scenario, in particular to marine transportation assets, multi-modal logistic networks, and coastal communities, is important to improve disaster preparedness risk management. This article presents an integrated set of modeling approaches to analyse these risks, providing a high-level overview of the models’ objectives, rationale, and outputs. Subsequently, selected results are presented for a plausible Cascadia M9.0 megathrust earthquake and tsunami, focusing on the impacts on marine assets and the maritime dimension of the multi-modal logistics chain near Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Finally, a discussion provides insights into possible future research directions.

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Author and Presentation Info

Lead Author Name: Floris Goerlandt (floris.goerlandt@dal.ca)

Bio: Dr. Floris Goerlandt is Assistant Professor in the Industrial Engineering Department at Dalhousie University. He currently also holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Risk Management and Resource Optimization for Marine Industries. He co-lead the Maritime Risk and Safety (MARS) Group, working together with Dr. Ron Pelot. His research interests cover applied risk management for marine industries, authorities, and associated stakeholders. Current projects focus on analysis and modeling of risks to coastal communities due to shipping disruptions caused by major natural hazards, oil spill risk assessment and management, and risks of Arctic shipping. He also has a strong interest and commitment to foundational issues in risk research and safety science. He has (co-)authored over 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference articles, and several other publications. He serves on the Editorial Board of Safety Science, Transportation Safety and Environment, and Multimodal Transportation.

Country: Canada
Company: Dalhousie University
Job Title: Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair

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