PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Jeeyea Ahn Co-author(s): Jooyoung Park, jooyoung.park@inl.gov Ronald L. Boring, ronald.boring@inl.gov Thomas A. Ulrich, thomas.ulrich@inl.gov Yunyeong Heo, Yunyeong.Heo@inl.gov
The HUNTER Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis Tool: Graphical User Interface
The initial version of the Human Unimodel for Nuclear Technology to Enhance Reliability (HUNTER) simulation software implementation was a Python command line application. The model defining the scenario was manually constructed within input decks that were not user friendly. For the current version of HUNTER, a graphical user interface (GUI) was designed and developed to ease the model creation, editing, and simulation execution. The GUI supports creation and editing of the overall model and sub-model elements grouped under the three main simulation modules (individual, environment, task module). The GUI provides distinct interface sections with visual representations for each of these simulation modules. Visual representations of model objects and their visual arrangement within the modules clearly convey the underlying structure of the simulation code and ease model creation and editing. For example, what was input through the command line or a text editor in the past is now implemented as an intuitive and visualized interaction such as clicking a button or turning a toggle on and off so that analysts can focus on creating the model without having to contend with esoteric text files and their detail syntax requirements.

Paper JE124 Preview

Author and Presentation Info

Lead Author Name: Jeeyea Ahn (jeeya@unist.ac.kr)

Bio: I am a graduate student of the nuclear safety and HMI evolution lab (NuSAPHE: pronounced as nu-safe) at UNIST. I am interested in nuclear safety and human/organizational factors, and I am also interested in research in various fields to prevent accidents caused by human error in nuclear power plants. I am currently studying nuclear safety culture, which has been considered one of the important organizational factors.

Country: South Korea
Company: Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Job Title: Combined m.s.-ph.d. student (ph.d candidate)

Download paper JE124.