PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Kyusik Oh Co-author(s): Sangjun Park (sangjun@kaeri.re.kr) Gyunyoung Heo (gheo@khu.ac.kr) : corresponding author
Improving Measurement Reliability using Data Reconciliation and Digital Twin
The measurements may be less accurate because of defects in the measuring instruments or leakages in the system, but also of unknown reasons. These uncertainties are inevitable but can be managed if quantified. Error that can determine the cause, such as defects in the measuring instrument or leakages of facilities, is called gross error, and error that does not know the cause is called random error. In order to reduce or eliminate these errors, the application of data reconciliation and gross error detection technique is effective. These not only reduce random errors in measurements and eliminate gross errors, but also adjust the value to satisfy the correlations between them called physical models. These techniques were developed in various fields, but It seems rare that both how to update the physical model of the system and strategy to maintain the actual measurement system are explained simultaneously. First, this paper introduces in-house code (R language) using data reconciliation and gross error detection algorithms. Three case studies using power plant simulation data are explained. The second is the application using code, through the reconciled values it is identified whether the cause of the gross error is due to a defect in the instruments or an inaccurate physical models. As a result, it shows that the performance of maintenance increases using more accurate measurements and it can be an indicator of updating the physical models by verifying the accuracy of them.

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Author and Presentation Info

Presentation only, a full paper is not available.
Lead Author Name: Kyusik Oh (ohsik95@gmail.com)

Bio: Kyusik Oh currently working in Kyung Hee University for M.S. degree. His research interests are data reconciliation in NPP facilities. Recently, he did research to improve the reliability of various systems, including research reactors, nuclear material processing processes, and turbine power plants.

Country: South Korea
Company: Kyung Hee University
Job Title: M.S. degree

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