PSAM 16 Conference Paper Overview

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Lead Author: Lukasz Sokolowski
Assessment of Input Errors in Schedule Risk Analysis (SRA) of Multidisciplinary Projects
Schedule Risk Analysis (SRA) results of multidisciplinary projects can be influenced by multiple factors. This paper presents an assessment and examples of most relevant input errors related to input data collection, planning and arrangement of the SRA process in the project structure and errors in quantitative computations. Regarding the input data collection recommendations are provided on choosing relevant risk categories, creating a supportive climate for project members so that they are ready to provide a reliable input and on how a country or region's institutions (authorities, history, tradition) might influence the decision making process. The arrangement of the SRA process in the projects is on creating the process so that it delivers the accurate results without compromising the personnel performance. When it comes to the quantitative computations the author gives some thoughts on which variables are most crucial and useful as input, how to perform the computations as well as compute and properly analyze Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) diagram. In the paper a special focus is put on the relevance and quality of bottom-up (specialists, technicians) and top-down (top managers) inputs in risk-informed decision making support.

Paper LU292 Preview

Author and Presentation Info

Presentation only, a full paper is not available.
Lead Author Name: Lukasz Sokolowski (lukasz.sokolowski@kiwa.com)

Bio: I support clients in decision-making processes by setting up suitable risk routines, conducting risk workshops and perform computations. I specialize myself in qualitative and quantitative risk analyses and I perform Schedule Risk Assessment (SRA) for a variety of industries as nuclear, process industry, pulp & paper and healthcare. My professional interest related to risk analysis lies in influence of human factors and institutions on results of the quantitative risk analysis.

Country: Sweden
Company: Kiwa Sweden
Job Title: Risk Engineer

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