Full papers should be mailed to the Technical Program Chairman by April 15, 1998. The length of the paper should not exceed six pages prepared according to the specified format. Each original camera-ready hard copy MUST be accompanied by the electronic version which should contain the paper in a format identical to the hard copy. All art work, figures, tables, and pictures must be embedded in exactly the same location as they appear in the hard copy. This is required for preparing the CD version of the proceeding.

Please note that a paper will appear in the proceeding only if at least one of the authors is registered for the conference by June 1, 1998.

Items to be mailed by April 15 1998 to the Technical Program Chairman at

Prof. Ali Mosleh
2100A Marie Mount Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-7531 USA

q Author Fact Sheet (Click here)
q Full Paper – Hard Copy (Click here for instructions )
q Full Paper – Electronic Version (Click here for instructions)
q Publishing Agreement/Copyright Form -for your paper - (Click Here)
q Permission Form - if you need when using copyrighted material from other
    sources- (Click Here)

Last Updated and Validated on 17-Feb-98 15:55:22 EST