Organized by:

ESRA (The European Safety and Reliability Association)

IAPSAM (International Association for Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management)

General Program Chairman

Dr. Ioannis A. Papazoglou
NCSR "Demokritos"
P.O. Box 60228
GR-153 10 Aghia Paraskevi
Telephone: +30 1 6548415
Fax: +30 1 6533431

Senior Advisory Board

Volta, G. EC, JRC, Chairman
Apostolakis, G., MIT,USA
Betrand, Y., ISDF, F
Garrick, B. J., PLG Inc., USA
Hsia, D.Y., Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan
McQuaid, J., Health & Safety Executive, UK
Sato, S., Nuclear Safety Research Association, J
Ale, B. J. M., RIVM, NL

Conference Organizing Committee

Apostolakis, G., MIT, USA
Cacciabue, P. C., European Commission, JRC
Cojazzi, G., European Commission, JRC
Kafka, P., GRS, D
Karvounakis, G., Demokritos, GR
Papazoglou, I. A., Demokritos, GR
Parisi, P., European Commission, JRC
Wu, J. S., ASCA Inc., USA



Dr. P. Carlo Cacciabue
European Commission
Joint Research Center
Inst. for Systems Engin. and Informatics
I-21020 Ispra (VA), ITALY
Telephone: +39 332 789869
Fax: +39 332 789472

Associated Chair

Dr. G. Cojazzi
European Commission
Joint Research Center
Inst. for Systems Engin. and Informatics
I - 21020 Ispra (VA), ITALY
Telephone: +39 332 785085
Fax: +39 332 789472

Area Coordinators

Bari, R. A., Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Bley, D., Bottonwood Consulting, Inc., USA
Brown, M. L., AEA Technology, UK
Camarinopoulos L., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR
Fthenakis, V., Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Harvey, D., W.S. Atkins, UK
Hollnagel, E., OECD Halden Project, NOR
Kafka, P., Gesellschaft fur Reaktorsicherheit, D
Kondo, S., University of Tokyo, J
Lydersen, S., University of Trondheim, NOR
Mosleh, A., University of Maryland, USA
Petersen, K. E., RISO, DEN

Technical Program Committee (TPC)

Name Country Name Country
Aldemir, T. USA Kaiser, G. D. USA
Ancelin, C. F Karydas, D. M. USA
Arsenis, S. I Kastenberg, W. E. USA
Arueti, S. ISR Kazarians, M. USA
Bacivarov, I. RO Kelly, D. L. USA
Balfanz, H. P. D Kelly, G. N. B
Bianchi, S. F Laprie, J. C. F
Bickel, J. H. USA Lederman, L. A
Bloomfield, R. E. UK Maharik, M. ISR
Bonano, E. J. USA Mancini, G. IT
Broods, D. G. USA Marseguerra, M. IT
Budnitz, R. J. USA Matsuoka, T. J
Cacciabue, P. C. IT Modarres, M. USA
Carlsson, L. S Moore, D. A. USA
Cassidy, K. UK Mulvihill, R. USA
Cho, N. Z. ROK Murphy, J. A. USA
Cojazzi, G. IT Okrent, D. USA
Cooke, R. M. NL Oliveira, L. F. BRAZ
Cox, R. A. UK Ortiz, N. USA
Cummings, G. E. USA Orvis, D. USA
Dahlgren, K. SW Papazoglou, I. A. GR
De Gelder, P. BEL Park, C. K. ROK
Devooght, J. BEL Parry, G. W. USA
Dutuit, Y. F Pate-Cornell, M. E. USA
Dykes, A. A. USA Poucet, A. USA
Ferrante, M. IT Prassinos, P. USA
Fischer, S. R. USA Preyssl, C. NL
Fragola, J. R. USA Procaccia, H. FR
Frangopol, D. USA Raffoux, J. F. F
Frank, M. V. USA Ravindra, M. K. USA
Fujita, Y. J Ravishankar, T. J. CAN
Furuta, K. J Sato, Y. J
Furuta, T. J Schueller, G. I. A
Gertman, D. I. USA Schuler, J. C. H. NL
Gheorghe, A. V. SWITZ Siu, N. O. USA
Goossens, L. H. J. NL Soares, C. G. P
Greenfield, M. A. USA Spitzer, C. GER
Guarro, S. USA Spray, S. D. USA
Haim, M.. ISR Stamatelatos, M. USA
Helton, J. C. USA Svenson, O. SW
Heneke, D. W. USA Thompson, B. UK
Hessel, P. CAN Versteeg, M. F. NL
Hirschberg, S. SWITZ Vestrucci, I. P. IT
Ho, V. USA Virolainen, R. K. FIN
Hollo, E. HUN Wicks,.P. B
Homsy, R. V. USA Wieringa, P. A. NL
Hurst, N. UK Wilson, D. SW
Ilberg, D. ISR Wingender, H. J. GER
Johnson, D. H. USA Wreathall, J. W. USA

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